Piano Studio Calendar – 2019-2020
Your tuition payments cover 37 lessons from September 3 through June 30. (Summer lessons are billed individually.) I’ve scheduled winter and spring vacation weeks in accordance with the Swarthmore-Wallingford School District calendar. During each of those weeks, I will make one day available for make-up lessons. I offer these makeups for any reason you may have missed a lesson.
Please read the studio policy so that you can be well informed about what to do when you have a conflict in a particular week.
Please make a note of the days that you or your child will not have a regularly scheduled lesson.
Tuesdays: No lessons on 12/24, 12/31, 4/7. Kathy has four sick/snow/personal days to take at her discretion.
Wednesdays: No lessons on 11/27, 12/25,1/1, 4/8. Kathy has two sick/snow/personal days to take at her discretion.
Thursdays: No lessons on 11/28, 12/28, 4/9. Kathy has three sick/snow/personal days to take at her discretion.
Summer lessons fall outside of the tuition system and begin the week of July 1, 2020.
Piano Party and Recital Schedule
Winter/spring schedule TBA
Piano parties: October 20, December 15
Workshop Recitals: November 17